Saturday 22 December 2012

Holiday Greetings

It's official! The world hasn't ended and the holiday season is upon us! Personally, I love Christmas and I've probably had more than my fair share of mince pies and chocolate already but I know that it's okay because it means I can spend New Years with clear goals like giving up sweet things which will never actually happen. :D
At the moment everything is Christmas, Christmas, Christmas (with exceptions to the Hobbit and Dr Who of course) and I couldn't be happier. It's been a long year but I know that I'll be able to look back over it and remember the good times whilst joyfully ignoring the bad. There's been a lot of chatter about 2012 being a good year and, frankly, I agree wholly. How about you?
I guess that all this post is really for is to say, have a good holiday no matter what it is you are celebrating and enjoy the lead up to 2013. Life's short but that doesn't stop us from planning for the future. Think about what you may not have done this year and why? Who's to stop you from doing whatever it is next year? Go for it and have a great time over these next few weeks.

Monday 29 October 2012


So Halloween is in two days. Personally I love Halloween. Everything from the tacky decorations to the funky costumes. Is there anything better really than scaring yourself silly just to feel like you are alive? Fear does crazy things to everyone and everyone is scared of something. For me it is most things really and just lately I faced one of my fears of stage fright and I was fine. It's a strange feeling finding out that something you were previously terrified ofisn't so scary after all.
So, here's my advice.... if you are scared of something..... Face it. You might be surprised at the result.
So this Halloween, don't let your fears hold you back. Instead, put on the craziest costume you can find or make and have a great time whether you are having a party, going to one or just attempting to scare the lives out of the kids in your neighbourhood. You're never too old to have a good time on a holiday that should bring out the child in us all.
However, if Halloween maybe isn't your thing just remember where it came from. Halloween wasn't always pumkpins and candy. It's also the reputable night where the lines between the living and the dead are at their thinnest, Samhain. So, if that's more you thing, there's no need to go out and find a goat to sacrifice. Just light a white candle (stay away from black unless you are looking for trouble) and think about someone you've lost that you miss. I know that I will.
Have a good Halloween this year and have fun.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Second chances

The past few weeks have really pulled into perspective the fact that, for me, taking a chance and then having it turn out to be the wrong decision isn't always a bad thing. It can sometimes just show you the missing piece of the puzzle allowing you to finish the bigger picture. Also, getting a second chance can be amazing and give you the opportunity to put things right in your life but sometimes you just can't get that desired second chance and I've realised that I don't want it. I don't want to spend my life waiting for the slim possibility that everything will work itself out. I want to get things right the first time and, yeah, it may not always be possible but it's better to try and fail than to not try at all.

Plus, why should I waste time on anything that doesn't make me happy? So, do what makes you happy. Life is really, really short. Anything that doesn't make you happy won't matter in the end. Good memories are the important ones and the only thing that really matters is that you care for just a few people. Don't be afraid to love or follow your dreams.

I think it's about time I followed my own advice so that's all I have to say for now along with sharing this amazing song I recently heard for the first time and really hits home about what I wish to have in life and what I have been trying to say all along:

Monday 11 June 2012


First things first, my writers block has temporarily been eased with inspiration which has left me feeling excited about my new story idea and happy about moving on.

Youtube is one of the easiest places on the Internet to waste endless hours watching videos that normally you wouldn't even think of watching and most of the time there are whole lists of other things you could be doing, personally I am exactly the same a lot of the time but every now and again I will stumble across something that just makes all of that wasted time worthwhile.

This video however was not found after hours of searching but instead was a link in an email:

Admittedly the video is quite random but it's also genius. There should be moments in life where something unexpected and surprising comes along and puts a smile on your face and I know that this video put a smile on mine. So, ask yourself, in that same situation, are you the sort of person who will take a chance and push the button?

Thursday 7 June 2012

Writer's block

This post is about something that is starting to become really annoying. My complete and utter lack of inspiration. Normally when I write I have no time but millions of ideas. I finally get to a point where I have an excess of time for me to write and start a new project and then I have nothing. Zip. Nada.

I have half finished projects and finsihed projects but as soon as it comes down to me and that blank white page that is the very epitome of possibility I have nothing. Inspiration can come in many different forms and when I am starting a new story it could be sparked by anything, a character, a scene or even a random phrase that my best friend makes up and it just gets stuck but lately it's been difficult to really get something started.

Here is my dilemma, continue with my other stories without any real enthusiasm or not write anything until I think of something that really grabs my attention and holds on without letting go so I have to write?

I wish I could come up with the answer but it seems instead I've had to send the question out alone and small into the vast world of the internet in the miniscule hope that maybe I'll find that answer. At the very least this blog has allowed me to write down my frustration over my writer's block so it isn't trapped, cluttering up my mind which could probably be doing other things like searching for an amazing story idea.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Skinny Jeans

So I noticed that the first couple of blog posts were actually quite deep and meaningful which actually is not my usual self. Most of the time I am happy to sit with my best friend and subtly (or not so subtly, ha ha) check out guys as they walk past. One major thing me and my best friend has is common is our love for guys wearing skinny jeans, having fairly long hair and being musically talented. Of course it is this same hobby that distracts me at some really inopportune times yet I, personally, feel it is completely worth it.

So, here's a little advice for anyone hanging around the blogosphere with nothing else to do, everyone wants to hear a compliment from a cute guy or girl. So, if you like someone, compliment them and make them laugh (girls love a guy that can make them laugh). Take a chance because otherwise you'll only ever be asking yourself, what if? Take it from someone who knows, and if you are afraid to ask someone out or even talk to them then really, ask yourself, what is the worst thing they can say? No? Then perhaps they just weren't the right one for you.

I'm just as afraid to hear the word 'no' as much as every single one of you but as I said on one of my past posts, I'm going to try and not let fear take over my life anymore. It holds you back and everytime I regret not just letting go because, if I ever did then maybe I could fly. Plus, relationships aren't the only thing where I get to scared to take a chance but I'm slowly learning that it's okay to go for it, I just need to learn the difference between fear and nerves.

There I go with the serious stuff again, ha ha, but seriously, guys in skinny jeans are hot! :)

So, I guess the real thing I'm trying to say is, don't be afraid to say 'hi' to your crush and maybe I should learn to take my own advice once in a while. That's the challenge though and I am definately a girl who loves a good challenge and guys in bands as my friends know well.

Friday 1 June 2012

No fear

Tonight I watched a film on Disney Channel. Admittedly  I am probably way to old to be watching Disney Channel but at the same time I'm not embarressed by it either. One thing I love about Disney films is that there is always one character who is not afraid to dream big and take chances. That is someone who I would love to be more than anything!

Honestly, I am afraid of pretty much everything. I'm afraid to speak out. I'm afraid to fall in love. I am most definately afraid of letting go and living like every moment could be my last, because really, no one knows what the future has in store for them so why do we worry so much about what might happen when we should be  thinking about what is happening at that very moment.

Sometimes it takes a lot in order for you to reach a realisation, be it small or big, and sometimes and doesn't take a lot at all. Me, I guess that I spend so much time worrying about what someone else might think about me that I forget that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I should be free to be myself without being judged. Sadly, that's not always the case.

I have a friend who hasn't had the easiest life ever and even though sometimes it might get a bit much she is so amazing she just carries on. She is one of the most outspoken, amazing person I know and she doesn't even realise it. So, here is what I am trying to say, if I can try to be myself then so can everyone of you. Go nuts, dream big, be yourself and try not to let fear get in the way of what you really want.

Oh, and always remember, when you crash a party make sure you bring food or drink in order to ensure you'll be let in the door ;)

Thursday 31 May 2012


The past is the past for a reason and sometimes maybe, just maybe, we get the chance to learn from our past and the opportunity not to make the same mistakes over and over again. As part of human existence it seems to almost be a requirement that we fail from time to time, it stops us from becoming to assured of ourselves and pretty much all of history shows us what happens when this happens to individuals.

Recently, I've realised that I seem to be repeating mistakes I've already made before and that I'm slowly coming to the realisation that if I want to stop making these mistakes then I'm going to have to do something different myself. Repeating the same mistakes again is not what I desire so it seems I'm needing to make a few changes so I'm going to try and think that change can only be good. This blog will hopefully be a part of that, a way for me to write what I want to write but with it being different to a diary or a journal. So, really, this is what i am trying to say... I want to take more chances.

On days like today I can't help but wonder if I'm making the right decisions and I think about something I once read by Sarah Dessen which said, "Failing sucks, but it's better than the alternative... not even trying".

Also, the blog URL name 'donotfeedthegoldfishbacon' was something my best friend once told me and I figured it was as good a piece of advice as any.