Monday 29 October 2012


So Halloween is in two days. Personally I love Halloween. Everything from the tacky decorations to the funky costumes. Is there anything better really than scaring yourself silly just to feel like you are alive? Fear does crazy things to everyone and everyone is scared of something. For me it is most things really and just lately I faced one of my fears of stage fright and I was fine. It's a strange feeling finding out that something you were previously terrified ofisn't so scary after all.
So, here's my advice.... if you are scared of something..... Face it. You might be surprised at the result.
So this Halloween, don't let your fears hold you back. Instead, put on the craziest costume you can find or make and have a great time whether you are having a party, going to one or just attempting to scare the lives out of the kids in your neighbourhood. You're never too old to have a good time on a holiday that should bring out the child in us all.
However, if Halloween maybe isn't your thing just remember where it came from. Halloween wasn't always pumkpins and candy. It's also the reputable night where the lines between the living and the dead are at their thinnest, Samhain. So, if that's more you thing, there's no need to go out and find a goat to sacrifice. Just light a white candle (stay away from black unless you are looking for trouble) and think about someone you've lost that you miss. I know that I will.
Have a good Halloween this year and have fun.

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