Thursday 7 June 2012

Writer's block

This post is about something that is starting to become really annoying. My complete and utter lack of inspiration. Normally when I write I have no time but millions of ideas. I finally get to a point where I have an excess of time for me to write and start a new project and then I have nothing. Zip. Nada.

I have half finished projects and finsihed projects but as soon as it comes down to me and that blank white page that is the very epitome of possibility I have nothing. Inspiration can come in many different forms and when I am starting a new story it could be sparked by anything, a character, a scene or even a random phrase that my best friend makes up and it just gets stuck but lately it's been difficult to really get something started.

Here is my dilemma, continue with my other stories without any real enthusiasm or not write anything until I think of something that really grabs my attention and holds on without letting go so I have to write?

I wish I could come up with the answer but it seems instead I've had to send the question out alone and small into the vast world of the internet in the miniscule hope that maybe I'll find that answer. At the very least this blog has allowed me to write down my frustration over my writer's block so it isn't trapped, cluttering up my mind which could probably be doing other things like searching for an amazing story idea.

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