Friday 1 June 2012

No fear

Tonight I watched a film on Disney Channel. Admittedly  I am probably way to old to be watching Disney Channel but at the same time I'm not embarressed by it either. One thing I love about Disney films is that there is always one character who is not afraid to dream big and take chances. That is someone who I would love to be more than anything!

Honestly, I am afraid of pretty much everything. I'm afraid to speak out. I'm afraid to fall in love. I am most definately afraid of letting go and living like every moment could be my last, because really, no one knows what the future has in store for them so why do we worry so much about what might happen when we should be  thinking about what is happening at that very moment.

Sometimes it takes a lot in order for you to reach a realisation, be it small or big, and sometimes and doesn't take a lot at all. Me, I guess that I spend so much time worrying about what someone else might think about me that I forget that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I should be free to be myself without being judged. Sadly, that's not always the case.

I have a friend who hasn't had the easiest life ever and even though sometimes it might get a bit much she is so amazing she just carries on. She is one of the most outspoken, amazing person I know and she doesn't even realise it. So, here is what I am trying to say, if I can try to be myself then so can everyone of you. Go nuts, dream big, be yourself and try not to let fear get in the way of what you really want.

Oh, and always remember, when you crash a party make sure you bring food or drink in order to ensure you'll be let in the door ;)

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