Thursday 31 May 2012


The past is the past for a reason and sometimes maybe, just maybe, we get the chance to learn from our past and the opportunity not to make the same mistakes over and over again. As part of human existence it seems to almost be a requirement that we fail from time to time, it stops us from becoming to assured of ourselves and pretty much all of history shows us what happens when this happens to individuals.

Recently, I've realised that I seem to be repeating mistakes I've already made before and that I'm slowly coming to the realisation that if I want to stop making these mistakes then I'm going to have to do something different myself. Repeating the same mistakes again is not what I desire so it seems I'm needing to make a few changes so I'm going to try and think that change can only be good. This blog will hopefully be a part of that, a way for me to write what I want to write but with it being different to a diary or a journal. So, really, this is what i am trying to say... I want to take more chances.

On days like today I can't help but wonder if I'm making the right decisions and I think about something I once read by Sarah Dessen which said, "Failing sucks, but it's better than the alternative... not even trying".

Also, the blog URL name 'donotfeedthegoldfishbacon' was something my best friend once told me and I figured it was as good a piece of advice as any.

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