First things first, my writers block has temporarily been eased with inspiration which has left me feeling excited about my new story idea and happy about moving on.
Youtube is one of the easiest places on the Internet to waste endless hours watching videos that normally you wouldn't even think of watching and most of the time there are whole lists of other things you could be doing, personally I am exactly the same a lot of the time but every now and again I will stumble across something that just makes all of that wasted time worthwhile.
This video however was not found after hours of searching but instead was a link in an email:
Admittedly the video is quite random but it's also genius. There should be moments in life where something unexpected and surprising comes along and puts a smile on your face and I know that this video put a smile on mine. So, ask yourself, in that same situation, are you the sort of person who will take a chance and push the button?