Saturday 22 December 2012

Holiday Greetings

It's official! The world hasn't ended and the holiday season is upon us! Personally, I love Christmas and I've probably had more than my fair share of mince pies and chocolate already but I know that it's okay because it means I can spend New Years with clear goals like giving up sweet things which will never actually happen. :D
At the moment everything is Christmas, Christmas, Christmas (with exceptions to the Hobbit and Dr Who of course) and I couldn't be happier. It's been a long year but I know that I'll be able to look back over it and remember the good times whilst joyfully ignoring the bad. There's been a lot of chatter about 2012 being a good year and, frankly, I agree wholly. How about you?
I guess that all this post is really for is to say, have a good holiday no matter what it is you are celebrating and enjoy the lead up to 2013. Life's short but that doesn't stop us from planning for the future. Think about what you may not have done this year and why? Who's to stop you from doing whatever it is next year? Go for it and have a great time over these next few weeks.